Sports & Extremity Injuries in Myrtle Beach


Keep Your Body in the Game

Whether you’re an everyday athlete or sports are your profession, when injury strikes, we can help you get back on the field, pitch, or court.

Drs. Alan and Elaine Levy have a background in high-performance athletics and fitness. If you need rehabilitation for an old injury, acute care for a recently acquired concern, or you’d like some tips and tricks for preventing future injuries, we can help.

At Sea One Family Chiropractic, we’re well-acquainted with what it’s like to be an athlete. We also know how important it is to get back out there and keep playing. Book an appointment today and see how we can help.

Sports Injury Management

Making a Comeback

Sports are a great way to keep active, and we almost always recommend more exercise as a means to stay healthy. But, an active lifestyle is not without risk. Sprains, strains, rotator cuff injuries, and swollen muscles can all be par for the course. 

Assessing and treating sports injuries is a core competency of chiropractic care. We know you love to play, and it’s our job to get you back in the game as quickly as possible. 

We’ll evaluate the biomechanics of your body, focusing on strength, balance, and stability to help you prevent those injuries from happening again.

Set Your Body Up for Success

Before you start a new sport or activity, visit your chiropractor and discuss how to ensure your body is prepared. At Sea One Family Chiropractic, we analyze the movements needed for your specific sport and recommend an exercise or stretching program to help keep you injury-free before you get out there.


On-site corporate wellness by appointment


  • 1211 44th Ave N, Suite 200
  • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



  • Monday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM – NOON
  • Wednesday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

We’re On YouTube

Our YouTube channel features videos for patient education, exercises, stories from our clients, and much more!


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