Our Approach at Sea One Family Chiropractic


Hearing & Helping

We provide chiropractic treatment in a caring, professional environment where you’ll be heard and helped. Many people come to us because they’re in pain. Our goal is to alleviate that pain as quickly as possible while treating its root cause.

Providing you chiropractic care begins by getting to know you. We’ll take the time to listen to your concerns, evaluate your health, and even take X-rays if necessary. Your well-being is our passion and our primary concern.

No matter your age or fitness level, we’ll provide compassionate, dignified care. Translators are available to those who require Spanish-language service—just let our friendly staff know.

Start your journey to optimal health and wellness today.

Our Methods

As graduates of Logan University’s College of Chiropractic, we use Logan Basic, Reinert Diversified, Thompson Drop, and Activator methods as our primary tools.

We focus on light force, full-spine adjusting procedures, concentrating on spinal and pelvic distortions. Often, we integrate exercises and stretches and provide you with the tools you need to manage your situation at home. After all, education is your best defense against further pain.

We use several other tools to complement and support your chiropractic adjustment. We may also include muscle work, mechanical traction of the spine, electric muscle stimulation, and proprioception, depending on your situation. 

We believe subluxations prevent your body from expressing its true potential. The body is a complex biomechanical system that needs to be in alignment to function properly.

Let us help you get back to whole-body health.

Whole-Body, Whole-Family Wellness

Maybe you’re pregnant and looking for prenatal chiropractic care. Perhaps you’re bringing your little one for their first adjustment. Or maybe, you’re a senior experiencing some mobility issues. 

From the performance athlete to the office worker who sits at a desk all day, chiropractic care is for everyone. 

Pain anywhere in your body may be helped by chiropractic treatment. It’s not just necks and backs, either. Poor sleep, foot pain, balance issues, and asthma might all benefit from what we do. 

If we can’t help you, we’ll let you know. Visit us today for an honest assessment of your situation.

Be Your Healthy Best

We meet you where you are and teach you how to care for yourself. No 2 bodies are alike, and no 2 chiropractic treatments are alike. We tailor our approach to your unique needs and build a care plan that helps you achieve your health goals.


On-site corporate wellness by appointment


  • 1211 44th Ave N, Suite 200
  • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



  • Monday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM – NOON
  • Wednesday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

We’re On YouTube

Our YouTube channel features videos for patient education, exercises, stories from our clients, and much more!


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