Adjustments in Myrtle Beach


Diverse Methods Get Results

If you’ve never been to a chiropractor before, you might think it’s just a quick “pop” and “crack,” and then you’re on your way. Well, not quite. 

At Sea One Family Chiropractic, we employ several techniques to get the result we want—namely, getting you back to optimal health! So much more goes into an adjustment than just a crack of the back.

Give us a call, and let us put our diverse skillset to work for you. 

Chiropractic Adjustments

How Will I Feel After an Adjustment?

Probably much better than when you came in! Your results depend on your unique situation and treatment length. When you come for an exam, we’ll provide you with honest information about treatment outcomes. 

Where appropriate, we’ll use other techniques and tools outside of an adjustment to help you feel your best, like myofascial release or an exercise prescription.

Adjustments of All Sorts

The Diversified Method

When you think about a chiropractic adjustment, you’re probably picturing the Diversified Technique. It’s one of the most common techniques used by chiropractors, and the one patients are usually most familiar with.

While patients are either lying down or standing, the chiropractor uses quick, shallow thrusts to provide spine and joint alignment. And yes, it sometimes does produce that popping sound.

This technique is a variation of the Diversified Method and uses a special table with segments called drop pieces. As the patient is being adjusted, the drop pieces move with the joint, allowing for a full range of motion.

Using the Activator Method®, we adjust your joints with a hand-held, spring-loaded instrument. Adjustments can be delivered more lightly and quickly than with just the hands, making it a great option for those who may not prefer manual manipulation.

When working with children or the elderly, a lighter, more gentle approach might be more appropriate. We employ the Logan Basic Methods to apply light force to the full spine. It is particularly useful for spinal and pelvic subluxations.

Safe & Effective Treatments

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to remove subluxations and put your body back in alignment. Book your appointment to start your healing journey today!


On-site corporate wellness by appointment

Sea One Chiropractic


  • 1211 44th Ave N, Suite 200
  • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



  • Monday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM-10 AM
  • Wednesday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

We’re On YouTube

Our YouTube channel features videos for patient education, exercises, stories from our clients, and much more!


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