Myofascial Release in Myrtle Beach


The Complex & Wonderful Body

Your chiropractor is concerned with far more than just your bones. There’s a complex network of muscles and connective tissue within your body that help you move, breathe, and function at your best. 

At Sea One Family Chiropractic, we take a whole-body approach to your health and are keenly aware of the remarkable anatomy of human beings. During your exam, we may recommend myofascial release in addition to a chiropractic adjustment.

Book your appointment today and learn about our many methods of treating your pain.

What Is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial tissues surround and support the muscles in your body. They are densely woven and sometimes compared to a sweater or a spider web.

Trauma, surgical procedures, or inflammation can tighten myofascial tissues, resulting in reduced range of motion, sensitivity, and pain. 

We employ myofascial release to help ease the tension and tightness in these tissues. Gentle massage of the myofascial tissue helps us feel for stiff areas—normally, the tissue should be elastic and pliable.

It’s not always easy to determine where the pain is coming from—tight myofascial tissue in one area of your body can affect areas that don’t seem related. So, we’ll work on several areas of the body to release tight tissue across your broader muscle network. After all, everything is connected!

Is Myofascial Release Right for Me?

At Sea One Family Chiropractic, we take great care to understand you and your health history. Not every technique will be right for every body. 

For people with the following conditions, myofascial release may not be appropriate:

We always consider the risk factors and benefits and carefully weigh both to create a treatment plan tailored to you. 

Release the Tension Today

If you are experiencing pain or reduced range of motion that’s difficult to diagnose, come and visit us at Sea One Family Chiropractic today!


On-site corporate wellness by appointment

Sea One Chiropractic


  • 1211 44th Ave N, Suite 200
  • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



  • Monday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM-10 AM
  • Wednesday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

We’re On YouTube

Our YouTube channel features videos for patient education, exercises, stories from our clients, and much more!


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