Our Team in Myrtle Beach


Myrtle Beach’s Local Chiropractors Since 2007

Drs. Alan and Elaine Levy met as classmates while attending Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri. They bonded over a mutual love of health and wellness and have been together ever since. 

They both have a long history of performance athletics and coaching, education, and teaching, and now have 15+ years in their chiropractic practice. 

With 2 beautiful children to round out their happy family, they look forward to spreading wellness by serving others. 

Why Chiropractic?

Dr. Alan Levy was a competitive swimmer turned coach, studying biomechanics and athletes. He and his family struggled with back pain, and on a trip to Cancun, his back went out—again! 

The pain had him laid up for days. When he returned home, he saw a chiropractor for the first time. All of the information at the clinic about athletes and body wellness had him intrigued. 

After meeting with the chiropractor, Dr. Alan learned more about the profession and dedicated himself to helping others find relief the way he had. 

“The profession chose me,” says Dr. Alan. “As I look back, I was always a chiropractor, I just didn’t know that my life and health philosophy was the chiropractic philosophy.”

It’s never too late to discover chiropractic care for the first time.


On-site corporate wellness by appointment

Sea One Chiropractic


  • 1211 44th Ave N, Suite 200
  • Myrtle Beach, SC 29577



  • Monday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Tuesday: 8 AM-10 AM
  • Wednesday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Thursday: 8 AM – NOON, 3 PM – 6 PM
  • Friday: CLOSED
  • Saturday: CLOSED
  • Sunday: CLOSED

We’re On YouTube

Our YouTube channel features videos for patient education, exercises, stories from our clients, and much more!


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